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Source Code Review (SCR)

Source code review (SCR) is an organized and security examination of the source code of the applications and software. Source code review (SCR) is the practice of analysing source code for security loopholes, errors, bugs which have been embedded and disregarded during the Development.

Sometimes certain applications have some vulnerabilities which can be exploited by attackers and extract vital information and may lead to loss of intellectual property and Secure data. Reviewing the source code will guide you to implementation of security controls and also finds flaws and hidden vulnerabilities in the design of an application.

Many cases there is a possibility of hidden vulnerabilities presence in an application when they not properly tested before deployment. As a result, clients using the same application are more likely to fall victims to attackers.

How Source code review (SCR) will help your organization.

In this competitive world of software, you need to sure about every line of code which your organization produce. Third-party code reviews will have poof performance and developers may not find all bugs in code.

Source code review (SCR) services will guide your organization to find the flaws, weakness and bugs in the code. In the process of Source code review (SCR), functionality, design, architecture assessment of vulnerabilities and deployment issue will also identify and examined.

Process of Source code review (SCR)


An inspection takes place on how that application running to understand functionalities. A brief overview of the structure of codebase and any libraries that are used.

Threat assessment

Applying a threat assessment to better understand the architecture of the application. These threats will be listed as the vulnerabilities that we will categorize during code review.

Manual code Review

The only way of that several key security masseurs can be verified by Manual code review. This includes access control, data encryption, logging, and back-end system communication and usage.

POC and Reporting

After automated and manual review follows by preparing Report with proper POC attached along with the risk that was discovered. After that what are the possible fixes that can be used to patch vulnerabilities existing in the codebase will be reported?

Advantages Source code review (SCR)

  • Comprehensive vulnerabilities coverage.
  • Reduces the code fragments.
  • Quality assurances.
  • Faster remediation time saving.
  • Defect-free Well documented software.

Why Cyberesnis for Source code review (SCR)

  • Our experts will understand the idealogy of the developer to better understanding code.
  • We will inject some payloads and multiple attacks to perform on the code to find weak points in Source code.
  • Immediate action for the vulnerabilities found by our experts will discuss with the developers or concerned persons to give an overview of issues to rectify them.
  • A comprehensive assessment report will be generated and discussed with the development team.